RULES. Really.

In order to participate, each team member must read, observe, and understand the points below. We are not really a very uptight bunch, but we have to enforce a few rules of order to ensure that this does not turn into a popular episode of COPS.  The designated team captain will be responsible for making sure that each member of the team understands and agrees to follow these rules.  

  1) You are over 21.

  2) You have insurance.

  3) You are participating at your own risk, and have not been forced into this by your friends. OK, well maybe, but you were not actually kidnapped.

  4) You understand that (a) this is for FUN and charity, (b) you may end up wearing a costume and make an ass of yourself, and (c) you could end up in some precarious positions of your own choosing. You will not hold the organizers liable for anything stupid that you or your team may do (or that could otherwise result in a negative unintended outcome).  Do not blame us if you wake up in an alley, make out with your ex, or have unexplained bruises, including hickeys.

  5) You understand that people may point and laugh at you.

  6) Do not break laws (we mean legal – moral laws are up for grabs) or do harm to other racers or bystanders (this includes pedestrians, cars [parked or being driven], bicyclists, etc.).

  7) We do not tolerate drinking and driving. Run, stroll, walk, bus, or metro. Your team may not ride in any car, even if you have a designated driver, or want to pay a cab driver. We accept no responsibility for your dumbass behavior. If we find out you drove, your team is disqualified. No excuses.

  8) This is a FRIENDLY competition. No elbowing opponents or hurling sharp objects, unless they ask you to. You can cheat if you can be clever about it and cause no grievous harm to others.

  9) You must wear your scavenge marker (we’ll give it to you at check-in) at all times. It must be visible. How or where, we don’t care.

10) Any questions or disputes, or scavenge item eligibility, will be settled by us (a random grouping of event organizers who happen to be nearest if you have a complaint or concern; you can always escalate to the Presidents of Cockamamie if it is a REALLY good complaint) and his or her decision is final.

11) Any dispute that cannot be peacefully settled will be resolved by Rock Paper Scissors at the bar.

12) The idea is that you are supposed to be creative about where to find the items on your list. Call friends who might have something. Think. Invent.  If you can make a good enough case for an item, we’ll award the points.  You are not supposed to buy everything. You won’t be able to. In fact no team should spend, collectively, more than $10 on their items. Also, you are officially encouraged not to steal. There. I said it. Be creative.

13) You have a choice of tasks to complete.  Tasks have different point values and also different degrees of difficulty.  Be smart… pick tasks that you know your team can complete.  All members of a team must be present at a task and all must participate in some way. The only acceptable excuse for not completing a task is if you genuinely feel that you are physically unable to do so safely. Embarrassment and/or humiliation are not acceptable excuses. If you feel that you would be at great risk completing a task, speak to the assigned TaskMaster on-site. If determined legitimate, your team will not be penalized for your absence from the task.

14) If in doubt or unclear about any item above, you can ask any Race Official for clarification. They are like Refs. What they say stands.

The 2007 DC Scavenger Hunt: Amazing Race Style is brought to you by SMASHED!  If you’d like to get on our mailing list for other fun events, just send an email to [email protected].